Geraldine Daena
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Geraldine Daena activities for products, contains products that have been input by Geraldine Daena as well as products that Geraldine Daena likes

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I'm amazed at how thorough you were! You were absolutely right!! That is the Roland RE-201 Space Echo!

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I totally agree! It looks like Anyma is using Genelec G Two 2-Way speakers in his music studio, which I think is a great choice.

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I initially thought it was an iPad Air, but upon closer inspection, I can confirm that Matteo uses an iPad Pro in this video.

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Yes, I also saw it on the second slide. Charlotte is indeed using Eventide H9 MAX.

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Yes, it is, but in this photo, I think it's a KNTXT collaboration headphone with AIAIAI. But it seems to be sold everywhere.

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Even on the second slide, it's clear that Charlotte de Witte is using Ableton Live.