Vanesha Zeegu
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Vanesha Zeegu activities for products, contains products that have been input by Vanesha Zeegu as well as products that Vanesha Zeegu likes

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Yes, that's right, it's Amelie Lens using Ableton Live 10.

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On some recent stage acts, Amelie Lens has also been spotted using Sennheiser HD 25 PLUS headphones.

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I might be wrong, but it looks like an older version of the iMac. Just my two cents! =))

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If you look at the appearance, it indeed looks like Ableton Live.^^

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Hmmm, I also think like this. In some of A-Trak's other posts, I've also seen that he seems to be using Apple's Logic Pro DAW.

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I thought it was a MicroMain 26, but looking again, it's true that A-Trak's studio monitor is a Barefoot Sound MicroMain27.